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Friday, September 6, 2024
Rep. Tipsword’s Weekly E-Newsletter: Legislative Scorecard, Corn Crop Update, and More

Support For Technology and Manufacturing I proudly support our small and mid-size manufacturers in Illinois, and I am honored to earn a 100 percent score from the Technology and Manufacturing…

Friday, August 30, 2024
Rep. Tipsword’s Weekly E-Newsletter: Leadership Program, Around the District, and More

Legislative Leadership Program I was privileged to be chosen to attend the Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Fellows Program. I recently returned home from this wonderful program, which was held…

Friday, August 23, 2024
Rep. Tipsword’s Weekly E-Newsletter: Supporting Seniors, Record Crop Yields, Unemployment Rate Rises, and More

SENIORS House Republicans champion legislation to help seniors. Illinois House Republicans continue to step up to protect and support the senior community through a series of legislative efforts aimed at enhancing…

Friday, August 16, 2024
Rep. Tipsword’s Weekly E-Newsletter: Supporting Small Businesses, Back to School Safety, and More

Supporting Small Businesses My 100% voting record reflects my unwavering support of small business owners. As a former small business owner, I fully understand that small businesses are the lifeblood…

Friday, August 9, 2024
Rep. Tipsword’s Weekly E-Newsletter: National Night Out, East Bay Camp, and More

National Night Out In El Paso I enjoyed an incredible event in El Paso this week, where community partnerships were celebrated with all first responders on National Night Out. Congratulations…

Saturday, July 27, 2024
Illinois Olympians, Economic Struggles, Safety Tips, and More

Cheering On Our Olympians! The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris are underway. A total of 27 Olympic athletes and 9 Paralympic athletes from Illinois will be representing the United…

Friday, June 28, 2024
Soil and Water Budget Cut, New State Department, Wildlife Habitat Grants and More

Severe budget cut imposed on Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts Although Illinois, in the heart of the Corn Belt, is one of the granary locations of the world, the…

Monday, May 27, 2024
Memorial Day, House Nears Vote on State Budget, and More

I hope this update finds you and your family enjoying the holiday weekend and reflecting on the meaning and importance of Memorial Day.  The first national observance of Memorial Day…

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Tipsword Traveling Office Hours Tour Kicks Off on June 1st

Rep. Tipsword will kick off his end-of-session Traveling Office Hours tour on June 1st at two locations in Metamora-Eli’s and the Village Hall-to discuss state issues and other concerns.  “Hosting…

Thursday, April 6, 2023
Storm Cleanup, State Healthcare Exchange, Illinois Agricultural Dominance, and More

The Calm After the Storms I hope everyone is safe after the storms that rolled through Illinois on Friday evening, and again Tuesday into Wednesday. Governor Pritzker has issued an…