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Friday, July 14, 2023
Gun Ban, Office Grand Opening, County Fair Fun, and More

Democrat gun ban faces federal appellate court The controversial law, which many (including me) believe violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, is facing a panel of Seventh Circuit appellate…

Friday, July 7, 2023
Nuclear Energy Ban, Estate Tax, Business After Hours, and More

Lawmakers look to lift the ban on nuclear energy permits Illinois lawmakers worked to lift the 36-year-old ban on new nuclear energy construction permits this spring, with Senate Bill 76 receiving bipartisan support (I…

Thursday, June 22, 2023
FOID card legal battle moves forward in Sangamon County

Attorneys presented oral arguments in the Sangamon County court battle over the constitutionality of FOID cards in Illinois. Rep. Tipsword introduced legislation this spring to eliminate FOID cards in Illinois….

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Budget Signing Today, 500+ Other Bills to Go

Governor Pritzker will sign the budget today. More than 500 other new bills will hit the Governor’s desk over the summer. Here’s a look of some of the measures that passed the Illinois General…

Friday, June 2, 2023
Join Rep. Tipsword for a June Traveling Office Hours Visit

Throughout the month of June Rep. Tipsword will be traveling the 105th district to meet with constituents and hear their opinions and concerns. On Thursday, June 1, Rep. Tipsword held…

Friday, May 26, 2023
Budget “Losers”, Venue Rigging, June Traveling Office Hours, and More

More Spending, More Budget “Losers” In the early morning hours today we got our first look at the Democrats’ Fiscal Year 2024 “Budget Agreement” that was announced with much fanfare…

Friday, May 19, 2023
Rep. Tipsword: Unnecessary Legislative Overtime CostsTaxpayers

On the final scheduled day of the legislative session, with no budget plan introduced by the majority party, overtime is now inevitable. Rep. Tipsword stressed that legislators are frustrated, but…

Thursday, May 18, 2023
2nd Amendment Setback

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to block Illinois Democrats’ gun ban while legal challenges continue. U.S. Supreme Court declines to block Illinois and Naperville gun bans | Illinois |…

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Four Days, Budget, More Gun Restrictions, Office Open House and More

4 Days and Counting We have four scheduled session days left in our spring session and, you guessed it, still no budget draft from the majority party. House Republicans have not been…

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Four Days to Go…Much Yet to Do!

We have four scheduled session days left before the House adjourns for the summer and a number of important issues that have yet to be addressed, including the ethics reform our…