Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether it be with friends, family, or your significant other, be sure to spend time with those you love today.
On February 12th, 1809, President Abraham Lincoln was born. President Lincoln had a profound effect on his home state of Illinois, and the entire nation, through his work to end…
Frito-Lay makes some of the most popular chips in the American marketplace and Illinois farmers play a huge role in the production of these beloved snack foods. https://www.thecaucusblog.com/2024/02/big-game-crunch-starts-with-illinois.html
Budget Priorities House Republicans have laid out our priorities for the new state budget that we will adopt before we adjourn this spring. With hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars…
This week Rep. Tipsword was pleased to attend the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council annual forecast dinner. The event showcased local workforce highlights, and Rep. Tipsword was able to…
Rep. Tipsword is sponsoring legislation this spring making it easier for schools to engage school safety officers to help protect students and staff from harm and help students build a…
On this day 113 years ago, President Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. Happy birthday, President Reagan! Learn more about Illinois’ native son: https://www.thecaucusblog.com/2024/02/remembering-ronald-reagan-illinois.html
More Dangerous Criminal Justice “Reform” Just when you think the liberal left can’t cripple our law enforcement anymore, the above legislation was just introduced in the House by a Representative…
Happy Freedom Day! On February 1st, 1865, Illinois became the first state in the union to ratify the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.
Rep. Tipsword, who also serves as Chief Deputy in the Woodford County Sheriff’s Department, today discussed how dangerous a new Democrat-sponsored criminal justice “reform” measure could be for our communities….