The Illinois State Fair Museum Foundation is seeking 10 individuals to spotlight each day of the Illinois State Fair as an Illinoisan of the Day. The Illinoisan of the Day program…
On this day in 1915, Illinois adopted its first official state flag!
Happy 4th of July! Since this day in 1776, America has been a beacon of freedom, liberty, and hope across the globe.
Supreme Court Refuses to Immediately Hear Appeal to Illinois Firearms Ban The United States Supreme Court has declined to hear a set of challenges to Illinois Democrats’ firearms ban for…
The United States Supreme Court has declined to hear a set of challenges to Illinois Democrats’ firearms ban for now. Here’s what you should know.
Severe budget cut imposed on Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts Although Illinois, in the heart of the Corn Belt, is one of the granary locations of the world, the…
The Illinois State Police is training front-line officers to recognize signs of human trafficking and recognize at-risk and exploited children.
Here’s the latest on Illinois crops. As our farmers continue to work throughout the summer, remember to keep an eye out for large equipment on the roadways and give them…
Former Chicago Alderman Ed Burke was sentenced to two years in prison and a $2 million fine this week in his corruption case. Unfortunately, Burke may be allowed to pay…
New July Laws, Higher Gas Taxes On July 1, new laws will take effect in Illinois…and you will also be paying more at the pump for gas. Illinois gas tax…