House Republican Truth in Public Safety Working Group – Bills

Law Enforcement – Recruitment and Retention

HB 4046 (Cabello – Windhorst)
Removes the ability to file anonymous complaints against officers. Add automatic expungement of the
misconduct records where the officer has been found not to have committed any wrong doing or the complaint was found to be frivolous. Deletes provision that an officer has no property right in their certification, thereby ensuring the officer is afforded due process.

HB 4047 (Cabello – Windhorst)
Requires ILETSB to create a waiver process for out of state law enforcement officers who want to work
in Illinois. In use of force, adds “back” as a place where an officer can discharge kinetic impact projectiles
or other non-lethal or less-lethal projectiles in a manner that targets the back.

HB 4048 (Friess – Windhorst)
Creates a loan repayment program for officers who are working in under-staffed areas.

HB 4050 (Tipsword – Windhorst)
In body camera provisions, exempts undercover officers from the requirement of wearing body cameras, except they must wear body cameras when conducting interviews. Deletes prohibition on review of videos prior to writing reports. Adds the taking or attempting to take a body camera from an officer to obstruction of the justice offense.-

HB 1542 (Ugaste)
Appropriates $80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board for deposit into the Law Enforcement Camera Grant Fund.

HB 3354 (Friess – Windhorst)
Provides that, in matters a sheriff deems essential to preventing or assisting with disasters or events of civil disorder, the sheriff may authorize plain clothes to be worn by auxiliary deputies.

HB 3358 (Tipsword – Cabello -Windhorst)
Requires each member of the General Assembly annually complete a ride-along and a simulation
training program.

HB 3353 (Cabello – Tipsword – Windhorst)
Increases the percentage of moneys that are transferred from the Cannabis Regulation Fund to the Local
Government Distributive Fund to 15%. Provides that moneys allocated to counties under those
provisions shall be directed to a fund under the control of the Sheriff.

HB 1389 (Haas)
Adds the taking or attempting to take a body camera from an officer to obstruction of the justice

HB 3217 (Bunting)
Back the Badge Program – Creates within the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board a
Recruitment Division. To assist local law enforcement agencies establish recruitment plans.

Victim Protection

HB 3357 (Grant – Ugaste – Windhorst)
Creates the offense of domestic assault

HB 3356 (Grant – Windhorst)
Adds a victim being 60 or older to the offense of aggravated domestic battery

HB 1387 (Haas)
Aggravated domestic battery by strangulation is a Class X offense
House Republican Truth in Public Safety Working Group

HB 3352 (Cabello-Windhorst)
Requires DNA collection at arrest instead of indictment or preliminary hearing for serious felonies
including felony domestic battery

HB 1390 (Haas)
Sex offenders convicted of a felony sex offense are not eligible for probation

HB 1388 (Haas)
Creation of habitual misdemeanant – for those people who have 3 or more pending charges for
misdemeanor domestic battery, battery, violation of an order of protection, or criminal damage to property when the property belongs to a family or household member.

HB 3329 (Haas)
Makes it a Class 1 or Class X felony for a hate crime committed with a firearm or if the victim is under 18
years of age.

HB 3209 (McCombie – Windhorst)
Protect Our Victims Act – deletes provision that allows a defendant from compelling a victim to testify at a detention hearing.

The Real Pre-Trial Fairness Act

HB 4052 (Ugaste – Grant – Windhorst)
Reinstate cash bail as recommended by the IL SC commission report. Hybrid system that has a
presumption of release but allows for cash bail or detention.

SAFE-T Act Trailers

HB 4049 (Friess – Windhorst)
Removes day for day credit on EM, Reinstate provisions that make it mandatory instead of permissive for consecutive sentencing.

HB 4051 (Tipsword – Windhorst)
о Clarifies the process for when a person is arrested on an out of county warrants.

HB 4053 (Windhorst)
3 phone calls provision – adds protections for victims to the right to communicate and remove presumptions of inadmissibility and allows for it to be used in the totality of circumstances
determination for voluntariness. Adds to the provision for release by citation that allows and officer to verify the identity of the accused.


HB 3360 (Ugaste – Grant – Windhorst)
Adds to registerable offenses, home invasion if a sex offense was committed during the commission of
the home invasion.

HB 3359 (Ugaste – Grant – Windhorst)
Prohibits auto expungement for attempt to commit a disqualified offense, such as a sex offense, or Class 2 felony or higher.