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Monday, December 18, 2023
Nuclear Power, Gun Ban Injunction, Pontiac in the Spotlight, and More

Bipartisan nuclear power plant bill signed into law The new Public Act 103-584 applies to small modular reactors which cannot generate enough heat to breach containment. Nuclear development will be key to…

Monday, November 13, 2023
Invest in Kids, Nuclear Energy, Gun Registration Rules, and More

Illinois General Assembly concludes Fall Veto Session Week two of the Fall Veto Session was characterized more by what the Democratic Supermajority failed to deliver instead of what they did…

Monday, October 30, 2023
First Week of Veto, Sanctuary State, Harvest Progress, and More

First week of Veto Session left many issues unaddressed After the first week of veto session in the Illinois House concluded Wednesday afternoon, there are still a number of priorities that House…

Friday, October 20, 2023
Veto Session, Gun Registration Rules, Harvest Visits, and More

Veto Session Starts Next Tuesday The first week of our two-week veto session will begin on Tuesday, October 24. Lawmakers will consider not only Governor Pritzker’s vetoes of bills enacted…

Friday, October 6, 2023
Gun Owners’ Personal Information, DCFS Director, Trout Season, and More

Protecting Gun Owners’ Personal Information I am sponsoring a new bill to help protect personal information law-abiding gun owners are now required to submit to the state to register certain…

Friday, September 22, 2023
1st Day of “No Cash Bail”, Gun Ban Rules, Local Fall Foliage Gem, and More

No Cash Bail: Day 1 The Democrats’ SAFE-T Act was fully implemented statewide this week. For months, many have asked me what will happen when there is no longer cash…

Friday, September 8, 2023
Port Henry Planning, Estate Tax, New District Director, and More

Port Henry Holds Master Plan Kick Off Meeting The City of Henry kicked off its Port Master Plan effort to elevate the economic future of the City and the surrounding…

Friday, August 11, 2023
Gun Ban Ruling, Edgar Fellows, Drought Over? and More

Learning From the Best I was both excited and grateful to have been selected to participate this week in former Governor Jim Edgar’s ‘Edgar Fellows’ program. It was a great…

Friday, July 28, 2023
Cash Bail, Unemployment Fraud, Edgar Fellows, and more

Elimination of Cash Bail Officially Takes Effect in September By a vote of 5-2 the Illinois Supreme Court has sided with legislative Democrats supporting the elimination of cash bail for…

Friday, June 23, 2023
Tax Holidays Expiring, FOID Cards, Invest in Kids, and More

Grocery/Gas Taxes rising July 1 The temporary pause in state taxes on groceries put in place last year will be over at the end of this month, so, unfortunately, families…