Rep. Tipsword Appalled by Audit Findings on Immigrant Health Benefits

Springfield, IL – State Representative Dennis Tipsword (R-Metamora) has issued a statement following the Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors and Adults audit report that was released this week by the Illinois Auditor General’s Office.

House Republicans repeatedly warned the Democrats and Governor Pritzker that providing free healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants was unsustainable and unfair to the taxpayers and residents of Illinois. Not only did the Auditor General find out that the state egregiously overspent on healthcare benefits, but there were also thousands of improper enrollments in the program.

“It is utterly astounding how the Democrats and the Governor continue to recklessly waste billions of dollars of taxpayer money,” stated Rep. Tipsword. “This audit report is shocking on all levels, and one can only wonder if the grossly inaccurate estimated costs for this program were the result of office mismanagement or sheer incompetence. Why are we continuing to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on free healthcare and benefits for people who enter our country illegally? The Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors and Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults programs must be shut down immediately to protect Illinois taxpayers.”