Very high temperatures are expected to continue across Illinois today. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to stay safe in extreme heat:
Stay out of the sun. If you must be in the sun, wear sunscreen (at least SPF 15) and a wide-brimmed hat. Stay in the shade or under awnings as much as possible.
Avoid overexertion and strenuous outdoor activities.
Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothes that cover as much skin as possible to prevent sunburn.
Consume plenty of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Water, diluted juices, and electrolyte solutions are best. Stay away from carbonated drinks.
Keep lights in your home low or off, keep shades drawn, and avoid using the oven.
Keep rooms well ventilated with air conditioners and fans. Keep your windows open if you don’t have air conditioning or a fan. Note: Fans will not prevent heat-related illness when the temperature is in the high 90s.
Take advantage of cooling centers, public pools, and air-conditioned stores and malls during periods of extreme heat. Exposure to air conditioning for even a few hours a day will reduce the risk for heat-related illness. For more information, visit this website: Extreme Heat (