House Republicans champion legislation to help seniors. Illinois House Republicans continue to step up to protect and support the senior community through a series of legislative efforts aimed at enhancing the lives of seniors across the state.
We must always look out for our seniors and I will continue to advocate for legislation that prioritizes their needs. I support our work as House Republicans as we reflect a shared commitment to protecting the rights, health, and financial well-being of our seniors. We must ensure that they receive the respect and care they deserve in their golden years.

USDA predicts record corn, soybean yields in Illinois this year. The current predicted median corn yield is 227 bushels per Illinois acre. Soybeans, which generate a smaller yield but enjoy a higher price per bushel, are expected to come in at 70 bushels per acre. Continued hybrid seed improvements, and adequate summer moisture, are combining to generate the expected bumper crops. The per-acre yield numbers for Illinois corn are expected to be 9% higher than last year and up +5% per acre for beans.
The continued progress of farm fields towards harvest has driven down bushel prices for both corn and beans. Farmers are seeing lower offers for their primary Illinois cash crops. Even if yields increase, lower sales prices for corn and beans, combined with higher prices for fuel, ag equipment, seed, and chemicals will impose a squeeze on farmers’ cash flows throughout Illinois.

Illinois unemployment rate rises again in July. The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced Thursday that the unemployment rate increased +0.2 percentage point to 5.2 percent, while nonfarm payrolls increased +12,900 in July, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and released by IDES. The June revised unemployment rate was 5.0 percent, unchanged from the preliminary June unemployment rate. The June monthly change in payrolls was revised from the preliminary report, from +10,400 to -4,300 jobs. The July unemployment rate and payroll jobs estimate reflect activity for the week including the 12th.
In July, the industry sectors with the largest over-the-month job gains included: Government (+11,400), Private Education and Health Services (+3,400), and Other Services (+2,300). The industry sectors with monthly payroll job declines included Manufacturing (-2,500), Leisure and Hospitality (-1,500), and Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (-800).
The state’s unemployment rate was +0.9 percentage point higher than the national unemployment rate reported for July. The national unemployment rate was 4.3 percent in July, up +0.2 percentage point from the previous month. The Illinois unemployment rate was up +0.8 percentage point from a year ago when it was 4.4 percent.

With sky-high inflation still impacting hard-working Illinois families and the new school year set to begin, it’s important to consider ways to save money.

As students head back to school, all drivers need to follow safety laws when approaching a school bus that is picking up or dropping off students.
You may proceed after stopping for a bus when:
- The bus resumes motion.
- The bus driver signals the motorist to proceed.
- Or, the flashing lights are turned off and the stop arm signal is no longer extended.
The penalties for illegally passing a stopped school bus are:
- First offense is a mandatory minimum fine of $300 and a 3-month suspension of driver’s license.
- Second offense or a subsequent conviction within five years is a mandatory minimum fine of $1,000 and a one-year suspension of driver’s license.
- Additionally, a motorist cited for illegally passing a school bus is not eligible for court supervision.
Students are headed back… – Illinois Department of Transportation | Facebook
Midwest Leadership Institute

I am honored to have been selected to attend the Midwestern Leadership Institute in Madison, Wisconsin. The event takes place August 23 – 27 for The Council of State Governments’ 29th annual Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development (BILLD).
Since its founding in 1995, BILLD has graduated about 1,000 lawmakers. State legislators from the 11 Midwestern states are chosen to participate through a competitive, nonpartisan selection process.