Pritzker Proposes over $2 billion in New State Spending Backed by $1 Billion in New Taxes

Analysts have been looking over the FY25 budget proposal made by Governor Pritzker to the Illinois General Assembly last month and have outlined over $2 billion in new State spending backed up by $1 billion in new taxes on Illinois families and businesses. Much of the money will go to existing State programs, headed by nearly-free health care for undocumented immigrant adults through the “Health Benefit Coverage for Immigrant Adults” and “Health Benefit Coverage for Immigrant Seniors” programs, which currently cost Illinois taxpayers almost $1 billion per year.
Another reckless, out-of-touch plan paid for by you, the Illinois taxpayers.
Fighting Human Trafficking

Our open border crisis has also fueled an increase in human trafficking across the country and right here in Illinois. This week we introduced a bill package that provides protections to individuals who have fallen victim to human trafficking in our state.
Keep Radical California Emission Standards out of Illinois

My Republican colleagues and I have joined thousands of concerned Illinois residents working as part of statewide and local grassroots efforts to keep strict California Emission Standards from being enacted by radical Illinois Democrats. These emission standards would eliminate the production and use of gasoline-powered vehicles and force drivers to buy electric vehicles in Illinois in the near future.
House Bill 1634, introduced by Chicago Democrat Edgar Gonzalez, was again scheduled for debate this week in the House Energy and Environment Committee, but was not called. It would require Illinois to adopt California’s ultra-strict motor vehicle emission standards, including requiring automakers to increase the percentage of zero-emission vehicle sales (electric vehicles) every year – 35 percent for model year 2026, 68 percent by 2030, and 100 percent by 2035. This would apply to ALL new passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in Illinois.
The bill is on the committee schedule again for hearing next Tuesday, March 12 at 4:00pm. You can help us stop this ridiculous proposal by submitting a committee witness slip on the General Assembly website. Make sure your voice is heard loud and clear.
Advanced Manufacturing Center Opens in Central Illinois
The $17 million facility marks an increased commitment by Illinois’ community colleges towards training a workforce for automated and artificial-intelligence (AI) factory floors. Located at Heartland Community College in Normal, Illinois, the learning space and practice shopfloor will offer certifications in robotics maintenance, energy cabling, machinery HVAC pipefitting, and information technology. An Electric Vehicle Lab, sponsored by Bloomington-Normal’s State Farm, will train future workers in EV manufacturing and maintenance.
The EV Lab and Advanced Manufacturing Center is building affiliations with local employers such as Rivian Automotive. Two-year pathways to certification allow students to work up to full-time, thus minimizing student challenges and loan debt.
Emerging Women Leaders at the Capitol!
Each year my House Republican colleagues and I celebrate emerging women leaders in our communities by hosting them at the Capitol for a day of events, round-table discussions, and networking. My guests at the Emerging Women Leaders Conference we hosted this week at the Capitol were Jessica Tilton from Washington, IL, and Ashley Montemurro from El Paso.

Jessica is our reigning Miss Illinois. She is currently a medical student at SIU Carbondale, and she supports increased awareness of lifesaving organ and tissue donation through Donate Life America.

Ashley is the Community Relations Coordinator for Petersen Health Care. She brings local government, schools, and other groups together in events that help make Petersen Health Care an integral part of the communities they serve.

I was proud to host these two very accomplished young women at the Capitol on Tuesday. I can’t wait to see the amazing things they will do in the future!
A Visit from the PAs

I also had a great visit this week with an outstanding group of Physician Assistants. Thank you for all you do to care for our families and communities!
Around the District

There was plenty of good food and good conversation at the Eureka/Goodfield Fire Department Pancake Breakfast and the Benson Fire Department Annual Chicken Dinner. I look forward to doing it again soon!