Rep. Tipsword, who also serves as Chief Deputy in the Woodford County Sheriff’s Department, today discussed how dangerous a new Democrat-sponsored criminal justice “reform” measure could be for our communities.

“Here is a real-life scenario of how this could play out. A vehicle is traveling through your neighborhood or mine at night. The vehicle has no headlights on, no license plates, no muffler, traveling 25mph above the posted limit, weaving in and out of the lane of traffic and the driver is three times the legal limit for DUI. If this bill passes and becomes law, I as a Deputy Sheriff can’t stop and investigate this vehicle. I must let it drive away and pray that it doesn’t hit and kill passengers in another vehicle. Who in the world thinks this is in our best interest?
Mr. Representative, your Chicago and Cook County citizens will continue to move away, close their businesses, and will continue to suffer under these ideas of so-called criminal justice reform. Please stop this assault on our criminal justice system! You are making us all less safe.” -Rep. Dennis Tipsword