Rep. Tipsword Brings Traveling Office Hours to Eureka College, Library

Rep. Tipsword will continue his summer Traveling Office Hours tour on June 29th in Eureka to discuss state issues and other concerns.

 “Hosting Traveling Office Hours is the best way for me to meet face to face with families throughout the district who want to discuss what’s happening in Springfield, need help with a state program, or have a great idea for new legislation. I have had a lot of good conversations in towns throughout the district so far this summer, and I am looking forward to many more in the coming months,” Rep. Tipsword said.

 Rep Tipsword will be at Eureka College in the “Cerf Center” located at 300 E. College Avenue from 10:00am to Noon on Thursday, June 29.  He will then be ready to meet with local families at the Eureka Public Library at 202 S. Main Street in Eureka from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Representative Tipsword will be announcing more Traveling Office Hours dates and locations in the coming weeks. He stressed that local residents are always welcome to call or stop by his district office at 305 W. Madison in Pontiac (815-844-3944).