Rep. Tipsword: Democrat Budget Doubles Down on Disastrous Policies

In the early morning hours Saturday Rep. Dennis Tipsword (R-Metamora) voted against the $50 billion, 4,000 page spending plan put together behind closed doors by Democrat legislative leaders. Rep. Tipsword noted that among other serious problems, the budget adds millions of additional taxpayer dollars to pay for the disastrous SAFE-T-Act that has made our communities less safe, and forces taxpayers to fund another expansion of health care coverage for illegal immigrants.

“The Governor has teamed up with Democrat legislative leaders to spend more than $50 billion of your money to actually double down on policies that have caused skyrocketing crime and taxes in our communities, and they have prioritized illegal immigrants over hard working Illinoisans.”

“Taxpayers are big losers in this budget. Democrat leaders have set us all up for a tax increase by adding major spending while hiding some of those costs in future fiscal years. Illinois families deserve so much better,” Rep. Tipsword said.