Budget Has Passed the Senate, Will be Debated in the House After Midnight

It was a long day on the floor yesterday as House Republicans awaited the “agreed” budget announced by Democrats. The House considered several pieces of legislation throughout the day, including bills concerning law enforcement drones, constitutional lawsuits, Medicaid reimbursement rates, and more. 

While most Illinoisans were sleeping the Democrat budget passed the Senate and landed in the House for first reading just before midnight. House Members are expecting another late night tonight as we debate the passage of this $50 billion dollar budget.  The House is scheduled to return to session tonight at 5:00 PM. Debate on the budget is scheduled to begin after Midnight Saturday morning. BTW, this year’s draft budget is more than 4,000 pages (It’s pictured above next to the Webster’s Dictionary that includes every word in the English language).

As Illinois budget comes together, total costs of migrant health care, union contracts not known | Illinois | thecentersquare.com