New Chicago Mayor, Same Soft on Crime Policies

I was disappointed, but not surprised, by remarks from Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson this week signaling his continuation of soft on crime policies that have resulted in a dramatic increase in crime in the city over the past few years.
The Mayor-Elect addressed the General Assembly, telling us that he wanted to ‘show every community in Illinois that in our hearts we treasure the lives, the safety…of all Illinoisans’. But he then went on to make excuses for the violent gang of teens that rioted in the city last weekend, leading to two people being shot, many being injured, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.
Under the previous administration of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, progressive soft on crime policies enacted resulted in a 75% increase in total crime, according to Chicago Policestatistics. Numbers don’t lie. Crime has escalated in Chicago because police have been prevented from doing their jobs, and prosecutor Kim Foxx has refused to do her job.
A strong Illinois depends on a strong Chicago. I hope we can work with the new Mayor to convince him that his ‘defund the police’ involvement is misguided, and that soft on crime policies are dangerous for families in Chicago and throughout Illinois.
House Republicans Call for a Moratorium, Audit of Illinois’ Billion-Dollar Health Benefits Program for Undocumented Immigrants
At a Capitol press conference this week, House Republicans highlighted a bombshell State report detailing the massive cost and enrollment expansions of Illinois’ health benefits program for undocumented immigrants.
In FY24 which starts in June, Illinois’ program of health benefits for undocumented immigrants is estimated to cost $990 million, which is a $768 million increase (346%) over FY23. The additional Medicaid pressure for these expansions is happening at the same time the State is expected to lose $760 million in additional federal funding through the enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Program (FMAP) that was provided to states during the pandemic.
House Republicans have filed House Resolution 220, which will audit and pause new enrollees in the program.
Meanwhile, Illinois Democrats have countered with House Bill 1570, which would complete their expansion of health benefits for undocumented immigrants by adding ages 19-41 to the program. If recent history is any guide, the Democrats will again, for the fourth time, add this expansion to the upcoming FY24 BIMP (Budget Implementation) bill or some other massive omnibus bill at the end of our spring legislative session.
Illinois Must be More Tax Competitive

While many states have lowered effective state-local tax rates over the last 40 years, Illinois has increased taxes. We can be more competitive with our neighbors and make Illinois an affordable place to call home by reducing the tax burden on our residents.
Around the District

Way to go Eureka 7th Grade Volleyball IESA 3A State Champions, and Mr. Roth for accepting certificates at the school to honor each Team Member! We are so proud of all your accomplishments!
Congratulations to Metamora High School agriculture teacher Steve Kiesewetter for being recognized by the Woodford County Farm Bureau Foundation. Thank you for helping ensure agriculture has a bright future in Illinois! click to read more.
Metamora High School agriculture teacher honored (
Earth Day 2023

Tomorrow is Earth Day, 2023! Let’s celebrate our amazing planet as we work to protect its resources and build a better future for all. Happy Earth Day!